New Hope Community Fellowship
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Developing Disciples for Kingdom Deployment

In Person Worship

Greetings Church Family,

On July 4, 2021 we return back to the house!

After 15 months of our corporate worship being 100% online due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. As we re-enter for worship it will have a different feel as we get reacclimated to observing social distance and promoting healthy worship for our church family. Please read the details and protocols below so that you will know what to expect. 


Our Worship service will start PROMPTLY at 10:00 am and will be limited to 1-hour. 

Masks will be required at all times while indoors on NHCF’s campus. We know NHCF is a loving church family however, please reframe from hugging as we re-enter in-person worship.

In accordance with state and local public health guidelines for inside gatherings, we pray all attending have been fully-vaccinated for the community’s overall health and safety. By not getting vaccinated,  please consider the risk you may pose to yourself and others.  

In-person worship services will operate with limited seating that will be social distance by skipping a pew between worshipers. The ushers will direct the seating in the sanctuary and overflow. The seasoned saints will be seated in the sanctuary. We will seat families together as much as possible. We ask for your patience and understanding during this process.

Offering baskets will NOT be passed. Instructions for worship through giving will take place at the end of service.

Communion trays will NOT be passed during service, it will be given to you upon entry into the sanctuary and overflow room. 

Hand Sanitizer will be available throughout the building in convenient locations.

All members will be encouraged to exit the building immediately following service—no gathering in the sanctuary or lobby.

We can't wait to see you at The Hope!