New Hope Community Fellowship
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Developing Disciples for Kingdom Deployment

Our Vision

New Hope Community Fellowship is Developing Disciples for Kingdom Deployment who are:
Overcomers – Disciples who move from one challenge to the next knowing that in Christ, all adversity can be overcome.
Followers- Disciples who patterns their lives by following the model set forth by the resurrected Christ.
Leaders- Disciples lead as they follow the Lord and model their lives after the resurrected Christ.
Servants- Disciples that touch the lives of a lost and dying world by ministering with a servant’s heart to meet the needs of people.
New Hope Community Fellowship provides:
1. A Vibrant Worship Experience- We enter into God’s presence with open hearts and experience powerful times of worship that are meaningful, life-changing and personal.
2. Insightful Christian Education- we challenge individuals to go deeper into God’s word and become more servant-minded by offering discipleship training.
3. Growth Fellowship- we offer a place to grow in relationship with the Lord through preaching, teaching, discipleship to develop a stronger one-another bond with brothers and sisters in the fellowship of believers.
4. Opportunities for Community Service- we extend the opportunities for individuals to become agents of God’s faith, hope, love and grace by using their time talents and resources to serve others.
New Hope Community Fellowship is:
1. A Family of Overcomers- We are a close knit group of people dedicated to overcoming and striving for our purpose and destiny in life.
2. Biblical-Based- We don’t compromise our belief that the Bible is God’s Word and that is the standard by we are to measure our every word, thought and deed.
3. Committed to Excellence- We are dedicated to maintaining a high quality standard in all that we do, distinguishing that excellence requires a continued and focus endeavor.
4. Comprehensive in Range- We are dedicated to ministering to people of all ages and stages of life to the best of our God given ability.
5. Caring and Accepting- We are dedicated to embracing people of from diverse backgrounds, races, cultures and circumstances by ministering with a heart of love and compassion.
6. Life-Changing-We believe that when one accepts Jesus as Savior it results in a life-changing experience that changes the individual personally and in society and therefore the church impact the world through changed lives